YO Blog

Top tips for digital nomads

We’ve all seen them. Envy-inducing Insta posts and enticing ads for longer-term, remote-working visas. You know the images we mean — pics of impossibly happy people lounging in hammocks, laptop casually to hand, with a beautiful beach as their genuine backdrop. No filter, no fake background. Just pure unadulterated, work-play balance bliss, and aspirational “this […]


Yolanda’s guide to WEB3 for YOnderers

Once you have created your free account in Global YO, created your free Blockchain wallet, minted an NFT, and earned your first YOYO$ (our in-app virtual token), congratulations! You have become a YOnderer, equipped to make the most out of Web3 and the world. So, what is Web3, in simple terms? Web3 refers to the […]


What is Web3?

Introduction to Web3 Centralization has helped onboard billions of people to the World Wide Web and created the stable, robust infrastructure on which it lives. At the same time, a handful of centralized entities have a stronghold on large swathes of the World Wide Web, unilaterally deciding what should and should not be allowed. Web3 […]


Top 5 books for digital nomads

Not every digital nomad who has decided to cut their roots and step on the road of permanent work&travel, has done so because of one book. However, this is the reading list that encourages many: Book #1 — The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris What do you do? Tim Ferriss has trouble answering the question. […]




